tjena india

Well, it feels very nice, when I look at the blogg again after a few ours, many new people have been writing, especially that you jsutin and maybe then some other indian participants might be looking :) So its not just me, reading and I think 118 times the blogg has been open, but only from 20 computers or something :) I promise its not me ALL of the time :)

Well this might be my last blogg for a while.......because tomorrow morning I will leave Öland early, I will go to my brothers room in Kalmar, and help him to clean it......Weeeehaaaa, its going to be great fun :)

Then I am going to south sweden, to meet sanna and also to meet two other very good friends that I havent met in a very long time. Then on friday, which is Midsummer i will go to Syria. I dont think I will have internet conection....and that might be good :)

So to conclude this last 24 has been good....but my bag is still not packed.....but I have been roaming Kalmar in a totally packed car.......with a guitar in my hand and a very nice hat. screaming midsummer midsummer midsummer....that was so fun :)

I have missed everyone, and felt confused what to do with my life.....what do I want to do...its a very dificult qeustion....that was one nice thing with the exchange....that I knew what to do, mia and john decided workpleces and that was fine, it became fine, even if it wasnt the super thing maybe....... So I think I need some I will try to live in malmö for a year or so now maybe.......but no I really have to go and pack......

Have fun, enjoy, no one else will do it for you

To make it more fun I will add a summer picture from last summer....I am swimming with my neighbours horse, named Arizona Girl, but we call her Zona.....its fun to hang on to the tail and let the horse pull you :)



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