Mixtape: Friends, neighbors, Paris and four bonuses

This time around I will attempt posting in English in an effort to make the reading a tad easier for my Indian friends. Please bear with me, and my occasional spelling errors.

During the past week I have had so much fun with some of my new and old friends back home in Linköping. Hanging out with them has been such a blast, and midsummer's eve was truly a reunion for us all. Since then we have spent so much quality time together that we count it in days not hours. Taking turns hosting parties, dinners and the all-time Swedish favorite barbeques. It's kind of great to spend the last "real" summer in Linköping doing all this. That is a bonus.

Of course I miss my friends participating in the exchange but I am comforted by the fact that the communication works quite well anyway. Still, it's with great anticipation I look forward to the reunion with the Swedes in mid-July. Feels like it's really good timing on that one. 5 points to those who set the date. That is a bonus.

Weather in Linköping today is hot and sunny but large dark clouds looms around the city and we expect heavy rain tonight and the coming days. Still though the people in my neighborhood try to make the most out of their day, moving their lawns, planting flowers or just relaxing in a garden chair. In the neighboring house lives an elder couple that has done all this during the day and when I come home from work they take the time to chitchat with me about my day and current affairs. They have a lot of security in their life, both economically and socially and combine it with such lovely attitude towards others and themselves. They are a really cute couple and a wish everyone had the opportunity to grow old as they do. For sure they are a bonus.

Last but not least, later this week (on Friday) I go to Paris to meet some of my friends who arrive there earlier in the week. The French capital is usually a bustling city this time of year, invaded by tourists. Tourists who want to enjoy the festivities, the French coffee shops, the historic buildings and the museums. And yeah, you figured it out already, Going to Paris is a bonus.

I will try to post some pictures from my trip as soon as I get the chance. Until I hear from you again, all the best!

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Postat av: Sanna

Kära Jakob! Vad härligt det låter att åka till Paris på äventyr. Ser fram emot rapporter därifrån. Hör av dig när du ska ner till Skåne och kolla läget. Kram på dig

2007-06-26 @ 15:07:22

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