Im so happy
I have a good time here..... Everything is very nice. I miss india.....thats why I sleep on the floor, use the "Indian" toilet instead of the "western" :) I feel cold, when even the syrians feel hot. I realized how mucj I like india and the lifestile of india. I also compare everthing with india, more than I comprare to sweden. Its strange but very very intresting. Here we kiss on the cheek when we meet....imagine that in India :)
Unfortunately the time is going fast.......But this far we have only been relaxing. That is also very nice, and exactly what I needed :)
I am happy to see everyone is writing on the blogg. I didnt have time to read it, but I will when I come home. I have to send this soon....before power cut. Much more often here then in housing board.
We had a nice midsummer in Budapest. My arabic is terrible and I feel ashame that I only no hello and thank you, luckily nathan is far more better and we rely on him
I miss and think about you!
Love frida
Unfortunately the time is going fast.......But this far we have only been relaxing. That is also very nice, and exactly what I needed :)
I am happy to see everyone is writing on the blogg. I didnt have time to read it, but I will when I come home. I have to send this soon....before power cut. Much more often here then in housing board.
We had a nice midsummer in Budapest. My arabic is terrible and I feel ashame that I only no hello and thank you, luckily nathan is far more better and we rely on him
I miss and think about you!
Love frida