
and felt confused what to do with my life.....what do I want to do...its a very dificult qeustion....that was one nice thing with the exchange....that I knew what to do, mia and john decided workpleces and that was fine, it became fine, even if it wasnt the super thing maybe

I can only agree with Fridas words. It is very difficult to know what to do. Often you have expectations from others of what you should do. Even if they dont say it you know it and that is a pressure. I am trying to figure out what it is that I would like to do. I am twenty years old so as many people say in Sweden, you have your whole life infront of you.

I have booked train tickets to me for the swedes reunion. I come to Köping at 12.29 on the 20 of July. I go home to Gävle at 17.31 on the 22 of July.

Sunil called me yesterday. So happy. I told him to write on the blog so we all can have contact.

Big hugs
Ta ta Hej då


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