cynthia and frida
Cynthia is from Chennai, she is 21 years old. She has one sister thats married and has a baby. She likes shopping and singing and dancing. She also likes to chat to friends.
Frida is from Oland in Sweden, she is 23 years old. She has one sister and one brother. She also like to chat with friends, also horseriding and handcraft.
So we are happy and enjoying the Indo-Swedish youth exchange.
We will work in a daycare center for disabled children here in Arni. We are excited about that too.
So finally everything is very good and we are happy!
//cynthia and frida
inatt satte någon på Emil för första gången på en månad och jag saknade dig intensivt. hoppas du har det så intensivt bra att att inte tänker på oss!! haha
Hej Frida & Cynthia
Tycker jag du flickor har en mycket bra tid i ARNI.Jag är jatte glad THAT U GIRLS ARE GETTING ON VERY WELL WITH EACH OTHER och jag önskar det samma till avsluta av programmera. Lycka till flickor.
OBS Frida:When u travel by bus to arni & back home be very careful with all ur belongings especially when the bus is crowded,hope Cynthia/organisation wud have told u abt this.TAKE CARE....STOR KRAM.
Lakshmi, please no advertising on this blog.
I didn't know about that.Anyways thank you for your tmiely advice.I will stick on to it.
Okay. Nice that you´re having comments on this blog!
Åh, vad du är söt i din sari Frida och du verkar ha det så bra. Vad skönt och kul! Hälsa din lilla Cynthia: Here's a warm regard from Sweden although it's snowing here right now! Kram
Ps. Lycka till med bussresorna. Antar att du aldrig mer kommer klaga på Skånetrafiken. ;-)
tjena frida!
adda mig till din msn!!! jag har skrivit på kontraktet för min nya lgh idag, så jag flyttar om en vecka typ. ska bli gött. jag mår fint! kramkramkrma