Mia & John had our Educational day on 13th Friday at Vuxenskolan. At 9.30 we started with Introduction about  UN Declaration of Human Rights. The group was asked to read the Articles in the Declaration. Then they were divided into groups of two  and discussed about 6 Articles which they think not relevant for  today?s context or to be deleted from the declaration. We discussed why they  want to remove, it was discussed by all . They shared their opinions.

 After a Tea break we had a guest Mr. Christer Ax from IF Metall, He explained   how the  Labour Unions are working in Sweden. He also spoke about Labour laws, Wage structure, Agreement between the employer and the employee. He also clarified doubts and answer the questions related to Labour problems.  Followed by this we visited Swedish Match Factory around 12.00.noon.We were briefed about the genesis of the factory and its achievements .The group was guided by Ms. Merete to go inside the factory and witnessed all the process of making matches. After Lunch John conducted a small game then we had a group exercise a role play done by the participants  in the topic of conflict management with special reference to Negotiating skills.  We had evaluation of our day by all the participants. The group enjoyed the food prepared by Mia & John at Vandrarhemmet Gruvan  and we all went the Movie Blood Diamond. The movie related the Civil war in Sierra Leone . And also how Diamond smuggling spoils the life of many families in Africa. Since it was related to Human Rights we had included in group activity. JohnFacilitator.


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