HI FRIENDS.........

Dear Friends

How are you all?. we all here are fine and doing good.

Friends i'm just writing this to inform you all to have a account in SKYPE or YAHOO where we can easily talk as if talking over a phone, SKYPE is a free download frm internet and its very useful and clear lke hearing in a telephone.

I have created my id in it, do opn a skype account from www.skype.com, download the skype to your system and can have uninterrupted voice chat.

my id is :aruljustin

ad this in ur account.

intimate me when u all create a skype account,

hope to speak to u all in tht.......

have a blessed day..


feeling sad


feeling sad


nirupa is feeling sad because she left her partner anna and her host father jonas and mia,jacob,karin.j,sanna,karin.g,stefan,frieda,end his friends in tidaholm,she was crying,and she hug the guitar which was presented by his host father jonas she like vert much the guitar she takes more care of the guitar till she bring it to india.



we are all sitting in the frankfort airport to get into the chennai flight we all feel sad to return.


its from justin

hai friends

hai frieda,anna,mia,jacob,karinj,karing,sanna,stefan how how ru i feel very happy to see INDIA but the same time i feel very sad to leave you all friends,you are all in my heart i will think of you only,i will never forget you you also remember me you are most welcome to INDIA and to my house the gate is opened for you you think there is relation for you in INDIA eight relation for you.

hai friend

hai friends in tidaholm this is justin from INDIA we all reached INDIA saftely we all fell sad to leave you all people now also we think of you and the friends and all the host family and workplacements we r proud that we had friends i sweden.take care fo your healths for the friends all host family.

hai friends in tidaholm

this is justin from INDIA i feel very happy to be in sweden and now the time gomes to return to INDIA i and our INDIAN team thank you very much,i feel very happy to goto INDIA but at the same time i feel very sad to leave you people today i went to say good bye to barnens husand kyrkans hus i fell very sad because they cut cake and made a send of for me both in barnens and kyrkans hus they take more care on me and my partner karin we thankyou very much karin.j was a very good friend for me ance again thank you very much for the people in tidaholm.

Hi friends in Tidaholm

hai friends in tidaholm this is justin from INDIA i was in tidaholm for two and half month i like this place very much on sundy we are going to INDIA i feel very sad to leave you all people i like the people in tidaholm very much there are no words to say.ok good bye to the people in tidaholm if god permits i will see you soon.bye

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